Developing fuel chains for biomass energy in Vietnam

  1. 2021/12/16
Biomass energy in Vietnam is a natural non-fossil fuel and is classified as organic or derived from plants, extremely useful energy sources in human life. The development of fuel chain for biomass energy in Vietnam plays an important role.


The abundant source of biomass energy in Vietnam can be used more efficiently to replace an important part of the country's fuel and electricity needs. Biomass energy in Vietnam includes: wood residues and firewood, crop by-products and livestock waste.

Wood residues and firewood: In 2019, the total output of logs was 3.6 million m3. Most logs are processed in sawmills. In 2020, firewood will be harvested about 39.8 million steres (equivalent to 24.4 million tons).

Crop by-products: are classified into two main groups: post-harvest agricultural waste (straw, sugarcane waste, peanut shells, leaves and cobs, cassava stalks, coconut shells and leaves, etc.), agricultural by-products post-processing industry (rice husk, bagasse, cassava shell, peanut shell, coffee shell, etc.).

Livestock waste: The livestock farming sector in Vietnam focuses on small individual household farms with between 5 and 20 animals (over 99%). Currently, the majority of livestock waste (manure) is reused, mainly for fish farming, field and garden fertilization. The rest is disposed of in streams or rivers, posing a serious threat to the environment.


Currently, biomass energy in Vietnam is used in industrial heat production. The use of biomass in industrial boilers should be promoted and advocated. Currently there is only one very small rice husk power plant in Vietnam, but there are many other power plant projects in different stages of development in part of Vietnam. The main fuel in these power plants will be rice husk. The main barrier to investing in biomass plants is low electricity prices. The main reason for this is the use of cheap coal to produce electricity. There should be some subsidy for using biomass for energy purposes.

With a thriving agriculture, biomass energy in Vietnam can come from many sources of materials such as bagasse, wood chips, rice husks and rice straw. Taking advantage of the great potential of biomass energy in Vietnam contributes to reducing dependence on traditional energy sources, reducing carbon emissions, environmental pollution and bringing economic benefits.

The development of biomass energy projects in Vietnam creates many green jobs and increases the efficiency of industries.


Direct burning

This is one of the oldest and most widely used basic energy conversion methods today. The boiler uses biomass energy mainly for large-scale centralized power generation for heating. Power generation technology using biomass fuel brings high efficiency when used on a large scale.

However, the future development direction is to achieve a certain amount of resource supply, reduce investment and operating costs. Due to the nature of biomass that is not easy to store and transport, they are pressed into pellets of biomass to increase quality, strength as well as make storage and transportation easier.

Biomass gasification

Biomass gasification is one such newer technology for large-scale biomass use. It can not only achieve centralized gas supply and heat supply, but also can provide electric power for internal combustion engines and gas-operated appliances.

To meet the energy demand in rural areas, a number of countries have researched small biomass gasification equipment. For example, in Vietnam, biogas digesters are very common in rural areas.

Liquid biomass fuel technology


Liquid biomass fuel mainly includes ethanol fuel, biodiesel and synthetic biomass fuel. The use of sugarcane, corn and other raw materials for the production of ethanol fuel, the use of vegetable and animal oils for the production of diesel technology has gradually been commercialized.


An Gia Green Energy is currently supplying rice husk pellets and wood pellets – biomass fuel for steam boilers. In addition, An Gia currently also provides O&M services (Inspection, maintenance and operation services) and EPC services (Consultancy, design, equipment selection, equipment supply, construction and installation) for the solar power system..

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